Key ingreiants:Abroma Radix, Saraca Indica, HeloniasDioica, HydrastisCanadensistis,Viburnum Opulus, PulsatillaNigA Homeopathic tonic for women of all ..
Key ingreiants:Abroma Radix, Saraca Indica, HeloniasDioica, HydrastisCanadensistis,Viburnum Opulus, PulsatillaNigA Homeopathic tonic for women of all ..
Key ingreiants:Cina, Teucrium marumvirum, Chelone Glabra, Filix Mas, SabadillaHelps in de-worming, Itching of anus, pain in abdomen, grinding of teet..
Key ingreiants:Colchicum,Staphysagria,Berberis-Vul,Acid Benzoicum,Thlaspi BP,Urtica Urens,Calotropis,Natrum PhosDue to high level of uric acid in bloo..
Key ingreiants:Fucus Ves, Phytolacca, Ammonium Brom, Pulsatilla Nig, ThyroidinumAn ideal combination to fight against the deposition of unwanted FAT,..
Key ingreiants:Berb Aquif, Kalium Brom ,PulsatillaNig, Calcaria Carb, ThujaOcci, Mangifera IndicaA balanced product to take care of acne, discoloratio..
Key ingreiants:Acid Phos,Lycopodium Clav, Jaborandi, WeisbadenAn excellent hair tonic that helps to strengthen roots of your hair, prevents hair loss ..
Key ingreiants:ArsenicumAlbum ,Cal carb, Hydrastis Can, Kaliumbichromicum, PulsatillanigBeneficial in acute and chronic Catarrh of the nose and maxill..
Key ingreiants:GelsemiumSemp, Eupet Perf, Baptisia Tinct, Arsenic AlbPain in the head, sneezing, continuous thick white discharge from the nose or dis..
Key ingreiants:Aconitum nap, Arsenicumalbum ,Colocynthis, Gnaphalium Poly, Magnesium PhosSciatica due to prolapse of the vertebral disc, formications..
Key ingreiants:ChelidoniumMajus, Cholesterinum, Cistus Canadensis, Allium Sativum, CalcareaCarbonica, PhosphorusDysfunction of the liver system, high ..
Key ingreiants:Abroma Radix, Saraca Indica, HeloniasDioica, HydrastisCanadensistis,Viburnum Opulus, PulsatillaNigA Homeopathic tonic for women of all ..
Key ingreiants:Sepia, Psoralea Cor, Mezereum, Hydrocotyle AAbalanced product for Leucoderma, Discoloration in patches and other skin-related diseases...
Key ingreiants:Crataegus Oxy, Laurocerasus,OleanderExhaustion of heart, palpitation and dyspnoea. Stimulates the conduction and tone of heart muscles...
Key ingreiants:Baryta Carbonica, Baryta Phosphorica, CalcareaPhosphorica,Silicea, ThujaOccidentalisA safe and effective medicine for ?e retarded growt..
Key ingreiants:Andrographis Pan (kalmegh), SwertiaChirata, Bryonia Alba, Cinchona OffFEBIN - 98 reduces high body temperature accompanying bodyache, ..