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Dr Lormans Acidonorm 450 ml

Dr Lormans Acidonorm 30 ml
Dr Lormans Acidonorm 30 ml
Dr Lormans Acidonorm 30 ml
Dr Lormans Acidonorm 30 ml
Dr Lormans Acidonorm 30 ml
Dr Lormans Acidonorm 30 ml
Dr Lormans Acidonorm 30 ml
Dr Lormans Acidonorm 30 ml
Dr Lormans Acidonorm 30 ml
Dr Lormans Acidonorm 30 ml
Dr Lormans Acidonorm 450 ml
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Ex Tax: ₹340.00

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Key ingreiants:

Hydr Can, Irisver ,Robinia, Nux Vomica, Lyco , Belladonna, Alumina, Mag Phos, Kali sul, Mng mur, Nat phos

Gastric disturbance, Acidity, Flatulance, Dyspepsia, Sour rising, Feeling of fullness, Bilious Vomiting, FlatulanceColics, Heart burn and other ralated problems of gastric irritation.