Key ingreiants:CalcariaPhos, MagnisiumPhos, Nat phos, FerrumPhos, KaliumPhosA palatable tonic for nervous exhaustion, depression, loss of Memory, Brainfag, Fatigueness, Sleeplessness, Deformity and exostosis of bones. Macrocytic and Pernicious Anemia, Laziness, debility, loss of appetite, Dyspepsia..
Key ingreiants:CalcariaPhos, MagnisiumPhos, Nat phos, FerrumPhos, KaliumPhosA palatable tonic for nervous exhaustion, depression, loss of Memory, Brainfag, Fatigueness, Sleeplessness, Deformity and exostosis of bones. Macrocytic and Pernicious Anemia, Laziness, debility, loss of appetite, Dyspepsia..
Key ingreiants:Alfalfa, Avena sativa, Cinchona Off, Hydrastis Can, WithaniaSom Acid PhosFerrumPhosKali PhosNatrum PhosCalc PhosMag PhosA general body building tonic for fatigue, want of appetite, exhaustion and other kinds of weakness Effective in anemia, chlorosis and weakness of nervous system. Id..
Key ingreiants:Fucus Ves, Phytolacca, Ammonium Brom, Pulsatilla Nig, ThyroidinumAn ideal combination to fight against the deposition of unwanted FAT, post pregnancy weight gain, disproportionate bulging of figure especially around hips and belly. Regularise functioning of the thyroid gland which se..
Key ingreiants:Phytolacca D, Calcaria Carb, Phosphorus, Thuja OccDr. Lormans Fetonil Drops is a medicine to control the excessdeposition of fats and cholesterol, activates liver and gall bladder to act on fat metabolism without producing anorexia and weakness...
Key ingreiants:CalcariaPhos, MagnisiumPhos, Nat phos, FerrumPhos, KaliumPhosA palatable tonic for nervous exhaustion, depression, loss of Memory, Brainfag, Fatigueness, Sleeplessness, Deformity and exostosis of bones. Macrocytic and Pernicious Anemia, Laziness, debility, loss of appetite, Dyspepsia..
Key ingreiants:Alfalfa, Aven sat, Hydr Can, Nux Vomica, Cinc of, Cinnamomum, Kali ars, Saccharum AlbA general body building tonic for fatigue, want of appetite, exhaustion and other kinds of weakness Effective in anemia, chlorosis and weakness of nervous system. Ideal for convalescence and laziness..
Key ingreiants:Alfalfa, Avena sativa, Cinchona Off, Hydrastis Can, WithaniaSom Acid PhosFerrumPhosKali PhosNatrum PhosCalc PhosMag PhosA general body building tonic for fatigue, want of appetite, exhaustion and other kinds of weakness Effective in anemia, chlorosis and weakness of nervous system. Id..