Dr Lormans Acidonorm 450 ml
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Ex Tax: ₹340.00
- Brand: Dr Lormans Homeopathic Associates Pvt. Ltd
- Pack / Size: 450 ml
- Weight: 650.00g
- Dimensions: 90.00cm x 90.00cm x 250.00cm
Key ingreiants:
Hydr Can, Irisver ,Robinia, Nux Vomica, Lyco , Belladonna, Alumina, Mag Phos, Kali sul, Mng mur, Nat phos
Gastric disturbance, Acidity, Flatulance, Dyspepsia, Sour rising, Feeling of fullness, Bilious Vomiting, FlatulanceColics, Heart burn and other ralated problems of gastric irritation.