Key ingreiants:Nux Vomica, Cinchona off, Hydrastis Can, Carbo Veg, Zingiberis off, Natrum Carbonicum, Ocimum Sanctum, Lycopodium, Allium Sat, Mentha PiperitaA balanced formula for various types of stomach disorders.Reduces rolling and hysterical flatulence, violent gastralgia and burning in sto..
Key ingreiants:Nux Vomica, Cinchona off, Hydrastis Can, Carbo Veg, Zingiberis off, Natrum Carbonicum, Ocimum Sanctum, Lycopodium, Allium Sat, Mentha PiperitaA balanced formula for various types of stomach disorders.Reduces rolling and hysterical flatulence, violent gastralgia and burning in sto..
Key ingreiants:Avena Sativa, Damiana, Acid Phos, China Off, Yohimbinum, Agnus Cast, Lycopodium, Viburnum Op, GlycerinDr. Lormans-tried formula for nervous exhaustion, sexual debility, spermatorrhea, impotency due to overindulgence in sex...
Key ingreiants:Yerba Senta, Lobelia Inflata, Ephedra Vulgaris, SpongiaTosta, Senega, Cactus G, Aralia, Racemosa, Stramonium, Corralium Rub, IpecacAttack of Asthma, difficult respiration,Dyspnoea and oppression of the chest witheffort to breath, shortness of breath,spasmodic cough making with fits o..
Key ingreiants:Yerba Senta, Lobelia Inflata, Ephedra Vulgaris, SpongiaTosta, Senega, Cactus G, Aralia, Racemosa, Stramonium, Corralium Rub, IpecacAttack of Asthma, difficult respiration,Dyspnoea and oppression of the chest witheffort to breath, shortness of breath,spasmodic cough making with fits o..
Key ingreiants:CalcariaPhos, MagnisiumPhos, Nat phos, FerrumPhos, KaliumPhosA palatable tonic for nervous exhaustion, depression, loss of Memory, Brainfag, Fatigueness, Sleeplessness, Deformity and exostosis of bones. Macrocytic and Pernicious Anemia, Laziness, debility, loss of appetite, Dyspepsia..
Key ingreiants:CalcariaPhos, MagnisiumPhos, Nat phos, FerrumPhos, KaliumPhosA palatable tonic for nervous exhaustion, depression, loss of Memory, Brainfag, Fatigueness, Sleeplessness, Deformity and exostosis of bones. Macrocytic and Pernicious Anemia, Laziness, debility, loss of appetite, Dyspepsia..
Key ingreiants:Alfalfa, Avena sativa, Cinchona Off, Hydrastis Can, WithaniaSom Acid PhosFerrumPhosKali PhosNatrum PhosCalc PhosMag PhosA general body building tonic for fatigue, want of appetite, exhaustion and other kinds of weakness Effective in anemia, chlorosis and weakness of nervous system. Id..
Key ingreiants:Alfalfa, Avena Sativa, Ginseng, Cinchona Off, Hydr Can, Kali Phos, KaliumArsenicosum, FerrumAceticum, CalcareaPhosA homoeopathic formula with Ginseng to bring relief in anxiety, anxiety associated with depression, general debility and Insomnia. It brings about normal feeling of well..
Key ingreiants:Alfalfa, Avena Sativa, Ginseng, Cinchona Off, Hydr Can, Kali Phos, KaliumArsenicosum, FerrumAceticum, CalcareaPhosA homoeopathic formula with Ginseng to bring relief in anxiety, anxiety associated with depression, general debility and Insomnia. It brings about normal feeling of well..